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Nutrition & Dietetics: AMA Style

This is the subject guide for nutrition/dietetics students where they will find shortcuts to helpful library resources.

AMA Manual of Style

EndNote Packet

Adding Citation Styles: 

Visit this website to download the new AMA 11th Style.

After you download the file, open it. It will open in EndNote. Go up to File -> Save As -> Name the file AMA 11th

AMA at a glance

The American Medical Association (AMA) Style is the Preferred style for the medical community.

  • 11th edition is the most recent.


  • Uses Arabic superscript numerals to cite material.
  • References are numbered in consecutive order.
  • The superscript number is inserted into the document immediately next to the fact, concept, or quotation being cited.

If citing more than one reference at the same point, separate the numbers with commas and no spaces between.

  • For the bibliography, list references in the order of their appearance in the paper.

As reported previously,1,3–8        

The derived data were as follows3,4


…and 18 patients.3


  • Use author’s last name and initials of first name and middle name (if available).
  • If more than six authors, list the first three followed by et al.
  • Use journal abbreviations from PubMed.
    • Do not make up your own journal title abbreviation!
  • Use the DOI instead of a URL.
  • DOI – digital object identifier

See "Creating an AMA citation from PubMed record"


Creating an AMA citation from PubMed record

Authors(s). Article title. Journal Name Abbreviation. Year;vol(issue No.): pages. DOI.

Gasbarrini GB, Mangiola F, Gerardi V, Ianiro G, Corazza GR, Gasbarrini A. Coeliac disease: an old or a new disease? history of a pathology. Intern Emerg Med. 2014;9(3):249–256. doi:10.1007/s11739-013-1044-5