Each professor at Lipscomb University decides for their own class when AI is or is not permitted. Always check with your professor first about their AI policies, including regarding if/when AI should be acknowledged in your work.
Here are some examples when you should cite AI:
*The information on this page is based on MIT's Citing AI Tools LibGuide.
Sometimes prompts and responses will be included as an appendix to a paper.
There are no formal IEEE style guidelines for citing content produced using generative AI. You may try citing this content following the "Unpublished" content type style guidelines (page 16).
IEEE requires content generated by AI to be "disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any article submitted to an IEEE publication." (link)
For both EndNote and Academic Writer, treat the AI as an author and then cite the name, version, and date used.
Created by the APA, this resource is the official authoritative online resource for writing in APA style. It combines a word processor and citation manager into one ultimate APA citation tool.
This link goes to our guide with in-depth information on this powerful citation tool. Once EN is installed export, save, & organize citations in one place. Let EN atomically format citations in your paper.