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Archives: Primary Sources: Duplication

Welcome: This guide serves as an introduction to primary sources.


This page examines the rules regarding the duplication of materials within the Robert E. Hooper Archives at Beaman Library.

About this page

We will further elaborate on the usage of Archival material, specifically duplication or copying Special Collection sources for research use. Please read the following list on duplication so as to avoid any copyright difficulties.

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Duplication Policies

In order to maintain access to research materials as well as to honor copyright restrictions, BLHA has adopted the following policies in the case of duplication of material:

  • All materials will be copied or scanned by a staff member. Materials do not circulate. The Archives Specialist will determine the best means of duplication. The Archives Specialist will decide if the material is too fragile to copy/scan. Additional charges may apply for oversized items.
  • Due to limited staffing, photocopies and scanning may not be available immediately. Copying and scanning will be done when staff is available. Copies and scans can then be picked up or sent by mail or e-mail.
  • No copying or scanning will be done in violation of the copyright law or donor restrictions There is a 30-page limit on copyrighted material.
  • The Robert E. Hooper Archives at Beaman Library will copy/scan documents and images from collections with the understanding that these materials are intended for private use by the requester.
  • Duplication is not an authorization to publish. Your rights and obligations with respect to reproducing copyrighted material is governed by Title 17 of the U.S. Code. Researchers must be aware of copyright and must assume full responsibility for clearing reproduction rights and for any infringement of copyright law. The university and its archive will be held blameless for the infringement of copyright or of publication rights by others due to deliberate or negligent misuse of the permission granted to examine or copy materials.
  • The use of personal cameras, scanners, or copy devices may be permitted depending upon feasibility and preservation considerations. Prior permission of the staff is required.
  • Any materials used in a publication or exhibition must use the following credit, "Courtesy of the Robert E. Hooper Archives at Beaman Library."

Charges for Duplication

  • Photocopies: $0.25 per page (fragile materials may not be available for duplication)
  • Audio and video tape duplication: a $5.00 minimum for each copy (pricing will be assessed for commercial requests of duplication)
  • Scanning images and sending via e-mail: $1.00 per image
  • Scanning images and copying onto CD: $5.00 (based on media fees)
  • Postage and handling: all copies/scans not  e-mailed or picked up will be assessed $2.50
  • Oversized material (11x17 or larger) are subject to additional fees
  • Publication: a minimum $20 publication fee will be assessed for commercial requests for duplication

Contact Us

For more information about the archives and special collections at Lipscomb's Beaman Library, please contact:

Sara Harwell

Archives Specialist


Open Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm

Closed: Friday, Saturday, Sunday