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KIN Foundation in Kinesiology (Prof. McCurley): Get Started!


Profile Photo
Jaimie Beth Colvin
Hughes Center 205C
x 1957

Popular Database(s)

Databases by Category

  The database containing scholarly articles 

Health Sciences 

Food Science & Nutrition 

Psychology & Sociology 

 These resources, which require a login with your Lipscomb email address and password, are available both on and off campus.

EndNote Click

is a browser plugin/extension, that searches for Pdfs. These Pdfs can upload to EndNote Desktop and will automatically locate citation information. 


LibKey Nomad 

 is a browser extension that searches for links to full-text articles (Pdfs) while you search the web!

You will receive email confirmation of your request. If not, please contact your librarian.

Use browser extensions that search the web for pdfs, or request a pdf be sent to via Inter Library Loan.

Important Websites

Description of these association were taken from the origination's websites. It is how they choose to present themselves, these claims are not confirmed by library. Continue to use your critical thinking to evaluate information retrieved from these organizations.